Archive for February, 2011


Practice! Practice! Practice! How to practice singing

When I get asked “How do I practice singing?”, I am tempted to say “Just as you would any other instrument”. But then, not all singers play another instrument. So, here we are.

Firstly, it helps to reframe the concept of practicing.Read the rest


One of the hardest things for human beings to do, is to let go.

We hold onto regrets, grudges, hurts, dependencies, and mostly unconsciously, we hold our breath.

Notice the next time you’re feeling wound-up or nervous, and chances are, you’ll be holding your breath or breathing shallowly and high in the chest.Read the rest

Finding Your Own Voice

“Dear Vocal-coach lady, I have a fairly good ear and can sing in tune, but I don’t really know how to get the most out of my voice, and would also like some advice on the types of songs I’d be best to sing.Read the rest


Twang is a voice quality that gives the voice ‘cut through’ and dynamic control. It requires very little breath, or push, and can become the quintessential ingredient of good vocal production. Most seductive of all – it makes the voice very LOUD!Read the rest

Opening Your Vowels

Let’s talk about ‘the flow’ for a moment.

Most people want a ‘smooth-ness’ in their vocal delivery. My job is to give you whatever you want in your voice, so, here’s a little lecture about opening your vowels and making them flow.Read the rest