Archive for November, 2013


Technique Almighty

25 Manifestations Of Universal Spiritual Principles Applied To Voice And Song Craft
NZ Musician25th Being blind, I don’t find it hard to believe in all-powerful forces unseen. This 25th anniversary NZM column is dedicated to the notion that you can believe in, if not worship, the power of great vocal technique and creativity.
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Love from Taranaki

Dear Caitlin,
You probably do not remember me, but I came for a singing lesson a  couple of years ago with you, travelling up from Taranaki.
The two hours spent in your lounge was one of the most empowering times  I’ve had, it has stuck and now I’m singing, writing, playing my heart out.
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Radio Southland Interview

Interview with Caitlin on Radio Southland while she was in Invercargill teaching. [ca_audio url_mp3=”″ url_ogg=”OGGURL” css_class=”codeart-google-mp3-player” autoplay=”false” download=”false” html5=”true”] Radio Southland Logo  … Read the rest