- Slow release ‘sssssss’ as quietly, evenly and as long as possible. Then release this onto a ‘ng’ and then a very soft ‘eeeee’
- Panting very loudly on “Sh!!”, “Sh!!” “Sh!!” and feel the inhales inhale themselves between each “Sh!!’. Keep shoulders heavy and see how long you can last (at least a minute at a time!)
- Combine with as much physical movement as you can. Walking, housework, arms swings etc…
- Memorize, customize and play with these exercises. They are just a starting point. Don’t just sing them – think of why you’re singing them. What does each one do? What technique are you working for each? Keep a particular ‘desirable’ voice quality in the back of your mind for experimentation e.g. purity of tone, warmth, brilliance and vary these to give specific focus.
- Sirens & dog whimpers
- oo’s – for onsets (lifting a weight above head with bended knees)
- Raspberries and rolled r’s – for relaxing lips and tongue
- Bop bop bop’s – for support, mouth stretches between each
- Bum bum’s – for range extension / blending registers
- Onsets – five note staccato ah’s and octave onsets
- Yah yah’s – for loosening jaw
- Mmmmmmmmah! – placement exercise
- Swelling tone – control of dynamics
- Trills / turns – for agility
- Minor scales / blues scales / diminished scales
- The Grande Scale
- Now you’ve got to spend time with each chosen song and write out breathing phrase marks and recite it. Think of it’s message and essence so that you don’t split phrases and breath in inappropriate places
- Sing through the song and find the problem bits and ‘loop’ them
- Look at notes from exercise book and go through the song with a different ‘tip’ in mind each time you sing it
- Run through the song thinking of nothing!
Enjoy yourself!!!