Night Rain
Magnetic light strip of Ponsonby
Pulls me up Franklin by the hair of my teeth
All illumination and sparklers
this city is growing up
social bum-fluff and parading baby merchandise
name traces in the black night air
200 meters from home the rain starts
its comfort campaign
Softly at first
Lightly dusting this heavy winder coat’s shoulders
caressing my near-numb face and hair
“There, there”
becoming more insistent as it
cloaks it’s wet arms around me
guiding me to the door
Tane’s tears, say it’s OK to feel a loss
wom’t deny it, pretend it away
gestures and a sign that one of the Gods may care
rain can be the only companion
kissing it all better
like the sweet surprise cup of tea
selflessly brought to a bedside unasked in the morning
Gaia’s random acts of kindness
unbidded, unbidden
that sudden shower’s present
to salve and soothe
a natural baptism to name the pain
and make it all better
Caitlin Smith August 9th 2006