Open Throat – Giggle Release
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- Constriction – tight throat (lifting heavy object or constipation)
- Relaxed throat (“I’ve had a hard day”) – tired, exhausted
- Giggle – fell muscles move ‘down and out’
On one breath sing 1,2 & 3
Register the contrasting three sensations in your throat
Feel the breath on your hand. How does it change?
Feel the “Adam’s apple” (larynx) drop and expand when giggling/open
How does the sound of the breath change?
Describe all three in great detail in your journal
On one note sing ‘eeeee’ : 1,2 & 3
How does your sound change?
How do the muscles feel inside your throat? Which direction are they going in at each stage?
Can you hear the breath when your throat is open?
Where do you feel the sound vibrate?
Feel the widening and deepening of the throat. These same sensations can be felt if you imagine you are about to sneeze, or, pretend to swallow a tennis ball. Notice how it raises the roof of your mouth into a more spacious dome and yet keeps the voice box low. Register the sensations as the sound goes where it wants to i.e. like a cat’s purr or a bumble bee buzz in your chest.
Use the giggle to get your throat open. Once you have secured the sensation of an open throat (more space, dropped cartilage, buzz in head) then lock into that posture and maintain that while you sing.
Keep it Real! Don’t fake the giggling – think of embarrassing moments. They may work better than thinking of something funny.